Searching For Lee


In every hostel we stay at, the morning conversation at breakfast is either nonexistent or awkward. Maybe most people just don’t like conversation before coffee?… Understandable.

While staying at Home Sweet Home Bed and Breakfast we met Lee.

We quickly became acquainted and loved her genuine spirit, we stayed talking around the breakfast table until all the dishes had been cleared (A first).

Lee has got to be in her 70’s by my configuration in the timeline of her stories. This women has done some travelling. She was raised in a Peruvian mining area, lived in Berkeley California and then moved to Arizona, She has backpacked Europe and spent some time living in the Dominican where she began to learn fluent Spanish. I’m sure that I am missing more details and that there are more stories she still has to share with us.

We connected so deeply over our cowboy coffees and when we left the bed and breakfast on Friday morning we didn’t realize that this might be the last time we spoke to Lee.

So now we are searching for Lee, to say a proper goodbye. We will take a trip back to the Bed and Breakfast to see if she is still bunking there. If we don’t meet again we wish Lee the best on her travels of Peru and hope she finds the time to see the jungle and try some ayahuasca like she’s dreamed.

Lee is an original spirit, it was a pleasure to share stories over breakfast. Thanks for being a travel friend.

Nicole 🌻

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